
18/07/2011 16:40

 There are lot of difficulties in keeping top secret stuffs or news when we sending it to a particular person .Even it may hacked after reached that concerned person or may modified with some other things immeduately after what can we do in these situations,here comes only solution fot this "Privnote"-a free web based service allows to send confedential information or secret commands/codes to a person without any password or user registration and most beneficial thing behind it ,is self-destruct of notes after being read(ie our note will delete immediately once after our targeted receiver gothrough once).



1.Create the note in and also you will add notification to your mail immediately your targeted person read it ,you may add reference too in it.

2.After providing your notes ,you may get an privnote link ,that will be send via Email,mobiles to the receiver.

3.Receiver can read the contents in the note  through the privnote  link and its will automatically destruct once receiver read it.we may check it , by after using the same privnote link to access the contents means it will not display.Thats it!!



More than one review of contents not possible,however it can applicable for short secret codes and commands in security purposes.