
First Day in Sharepoint 2010

31/10/2012 17:36

I started my career in Sharepoint developer (be frank as a learner) in Aug 2012.Still that I didnt come across the Sharepoint and dot net technologies during my college days.

Now its time for learning a new Microsoft technology "Sharepoint" which have a mass opening in all business platforms specifically  we can say means ,we opt for colloboration business platform and building the internet as well as intranet portals.

I am pausing my intro about sharepoint here.Lets have a Quick walkthrough of "How to create a Site(say for example Team Site) in sharepoint".




                            Site creation in sharepoint 2010

There are two ways to create site collection

1. create new web application->site collection

2. From existing web application ->site collection(saves space and its preferable).

Here we are using first method :

  1. Go to Central Administration-> Application Management, then select Manage Web Application
  2. Select new web application
  3. Provide  your desired sharepoint web application name.(select classic mode authentication
  4. check the url for creating sharepoint  web application.
  5. select pre-defined network services
  6. Select Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation Search server as PCID(here PC229797).Then proceed with Ok
  7. Message Dialog pops with successful creation of new web application in sharepoint 2010.



Without site collection creation, if we open our web application means we will get Error.

Go to central Admin -> Application Management.

Here we can check our newly created web application


Web application is created successfully. Next we proceed in creating site collection for our sites.

Screen shots are provided shortly in this post





























Notepad tricks for Audio Application

23/08/2011 12:40

Here are some of the notepad tricks with VB script:

Do you want to check your computer is male or female.This will find out by voice output from your system .
how can you get this..No is the solution available.

1.Open the Notepad.
2.Type "CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Hello my friend.......... Good morning"
3.Save it as filename.vbs e.g chekvoice.vbs
4.Open the file and you will get some male or female voice saying the mentioned msg("Hello my friend.......... Good morning")



This is also related with audio Application for converting the text information into audio . the notepad and type
Dim msg,sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter some text for conversion to audio","Notepad tricks")
set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg it as filename.vbs e.g  txttoaudio.vbs will get a prompt  box with one text box where you will asked to enter some text data for converting the same into voice information.


Note: For all these two tricks you have to install Microsoft visual studio .


Google reader for Google plus

16/08/2011 11:50

RSS Share for Google Plus and Google Reader :

A free Gchrome Extension allows to read all Google reader feeds in Google plus


Developers description:


* “ Share on Google+" button in Google Reader
* (Optional) Add Google Reader section to Google+
* Show read and unread RSS items on Google Plus
* Choose if read items are shown
* Instantly share any link
* Google Reader unread count on Google Plus
* j/k key bindings for scrolling through RSS items on Google Plus
* Infinite scrolling for RSS items
* Click on title to refresh unread count
* Tree view of feeds



Gtalk tips

15/08/2011 21:17

Nowadays it is ease to update your  facebook through gtalk as like that of Instant messenger.

1.Invite in Gtalk
2.then in your facebook account,just go to
3.Allow the application to access
4.You will be directed to a page where you get some piece of code ,younjust copy and paste it in the fbbot chat windows
5.After that some message shows as You can start posting .
Thats it!!!!your are done!!!
Note: is always online.
Once code authorization enough,it allows to post your status even when you are not online in facebook.

how to Search Stuffs when we are in Gtalk :
Just follow these steps:
1.Invite in Gtalk.
2.type "help" in sbot chat windows. get help options
Send "g Search Term" for Google Search,
 use b for Bing,
y for Yahoo!,
w for Wikipedia &
t for Twitter search.
Ex: g Bangalore, t @hnprashanth
4.It help to search stuffs through google,yahoo,bing,wikipaedia and also helps to search people in twitter,mention them(t@username).

you are done!!!


My views on Google plus

26/07/2011 19:09

Google plus-an product from Google,though google succeeded in all its products,except a few one.Now,its time for Google to attract more people around world to use its Google plus site,to overtake rating of profiles than facebook.

All are intializing eager to visit google plus , struggling to get invitation for it ,in order to access google plus(even me waited for 3 days to get invited).After invitation from Google plus,all are excited to create/edit their profiles and keep on adding their dudes,colleageus,co-workers,family members in circles.

But the fact in chat box is same as of Gmail chat,however options like hangouts and streams enhances the google plus to look over this.Even we can connect our facebooks and twitter accounts in google plus through Start+(a extension for Google plus ,available in Google chrome web store) ,gmail notifier also enhanced in Start+(notifier to show unread gmail messages when we are in google plus).

There are many extensions even there,such as Google plus bar style(to change google bar color to green,blue,pink & more colors),Serach extension for google plus (to search google plus profile ,public contents,profiles online).G + me an another extension to keep track of our long chat conversion and save it for further references.

Still extensions are plan to develop to enrich google plus.Since the Google plus a new product ,it need some other features like notifications of important dates(birthday,get together),games,Application(prediction,gifts,thoughts,quiz etc),Pages ,groups,Discussion corners etc.,these are some expectations towards Google plus from most of them,including me.

Lets us hope the best and wait for some time to have all these stuffs in Google plus.

How to make CMD prompt using notepad/wordpad ?

06/07/2011 13:46

The Command prompt  ,sometimes it will be blocked in official places.Therefore,only authorised people  can access  the command prompt.

In these situations,we can also access the command prompt with the sid of notepad/wordpad


Follow these steps: the notepad/wordpad  tool.

2.Enter the below things:

@echo off


@echo on

3.Then save it as batch file 

e.g test.bat file in desktop the test.bat in desktop means,you will access the cmd prompt.

System customizable tips

04/07/2011 09:52

 Is it possible to replace the AM or PM  with  ur name or some other name after the time format

in desktop?
yeah.Its possible.
Follow these steps:
1.Go to control panel->Regional and Language options
2.Regional and Language options->customize->time tab
3.change AM And PM symbol with ur names.
4.Then press "Apply"  & "ok"
Thats it!!
Screen shots  File:
tip2.JPG (13,9 kB)
tip1.JPG (29,9 kB)

Gmail peeper

14/06/2011 18:58

Gmail peeper is an exclusive software that can be  installed on our system to alert us whenever we received mails from gmail account.

It notifies us even if we didn't open our web browser.It consists of 5 or 6 alert tones in-built manner along with download,we may choose in that or we shall go for our opt tone to notify us.


How It works..?

Gmail peeper checks and retrieves our mails from secured RSS feed,so there is no danger of malware or spam .


latest version : 1.5

Supported platforms : Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/NT


Click  here to download


Additional Security for Facebook

04/06/2011 18:24

 Now-a-days ,social networking sites are more popular among the people,but at the same time people want to secure their privacy in these sites.In facebook many of them found their acount hacked or misued by unknowns,this can be avoided by providing password+mobile code security for our account.

We have to add our mobile number to Facebook account

Account setting->Mobile->Add phone.Text->on Save preferences (other options also available there to get notification ,messsages from our friends,if desired means make use of it too).


Additional security by mobile is done by

Facebook->Account Setting->Setting->Account Security.There you will find Secure Browsing by https,check it this option to prevent your IP address from hackers.

Then you find Login Notification there you choose both sending mail,text mesages in case you or someone access yopr facebook account in another system(not in daily using /registered system).

There further chose Require me to enter a security code sent to my phone option ,then you will be notified by 5-digit code to your mobile and Email in case of you /anybody access your account from other systems.

Code will ensure that unknown persons can't able to access your account without your code that is notified.

Even if you logs your account in differnt system(laptop/mobile/smart phone) ,you have to enter valid code number that you received  in your mail and mobile to access your account.

Even after,when you look over Account security in face book account setting,it will display the locations that you logged in your account in case, of using code number to access.

I hope these at all reduce the hacking of your facebook accounts.

In case any queries means,mail me



Prevention of Hacking

04/06/2011 18:11

 Gmail :

We can avoid hacking of our gmail accounts by changing http To https

by Gmail setting->general->browser connection->always use https

This prevents the hacker to get your IP address(usually,hackers can access our mail ids remotely by IP address only)



One more thing I want to share is ,many times we didn't  logout from gmail account in case of sudden r uninterrupted exception.In thesae cases,there may be chance that our IP address is caught by Hackers by IP Snoofing technique,so better avoid these situations by

click Details (present in gmail bottom)->logout all sessions.This Details contains Activity of our account with browser type,IP  Address,Date/time information


Note:Gmail account should be in Standard view to make all these changes

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Blocking the Websites without Softwares for your PC.

14/03/2013 16:20
Sometimes ,we need to block some social networking sites,other sites in our PC's and Lap's to prevent the access to them by our kids,frnz et al. This article is much helpful for those ,who need to block the sites without any s/w Installation. Just the follow these steps. Step1: Go to...

Gtalk Tips

15/08/2011 20:08
Today I am going to share some facts about gtalk, it helps to utlilize it fruitfully. Nowadays it is ease to update your  facebook through gtalk as like that of Instant messenger. steps: 1.Invite in Gtalk 2.then in your facebook account,just go to...

basic c programs

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