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This is my personal website.It contains blogs,photo gallery,videos etc.In this webpage, I want to share my views in computer and electronics field.

Visitor's notice

Welcome To all Persons who visit this webpage.I hope you will get something useful facts from us..


Blocking the Websites without Softwares for your PC.

14/03/2013 16:20
Sometimes ,we need to block some social networking sites,other sites in our PC's and Lap's to prevent the access to them by our kids,frnz et al. This article is much helpful for those ,who need to block the sites without any s/w Installation. Just the follow these steps. Step1: Go to...

Gtalk Tips

15/08/2011 20:08
Today I am going to share some facts about gtalk, it helps to utlilize it fruitfully. Nowadays it is ease to update your  facebook through gtalk as like that of Instant messenger. steps: 1.Invite fbbot@bot.im in Gtalk 2.then in your facebook account,just go to...

basic c programs

02/09/2010 20:00
// C program to count the number of positive, negative and zero number in the given list of numbers.   #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() {     int npos, nneg, nzero, i, a[25]n; npos =0; nneg =0; nzero =0; printf(“\n enter the total no.of values in...

computer virus

02/09/2010 07:28
Worm:   It s a kind of infection.  worm is self-contained programs that copies itself or its segments to other computer systems. But, it is quite different from virus in sense it is not fully attached to host program. Usually, worm spread across network connection. two...



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clean up resources

06/12/2010 21:48
    .NET contains finalize() method to clean up used resources, instead of this method we also use Idisposable interface that provides Dispose() method which does  same function as finalize(). return type:boolean private void override dispose() { }

sample session state in ASP.NET for sql server:

06/12/2010 21:42
      <sessionState mode="SQlServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" SqlConnectionString="data source=;Integrated Security=SSPI" Cookieless="false" timeout="20" />

own font creation in windows xp

21/11/2010 11:47
 Make ur own font in XP: Private charecter editor used for editing fonts. >run >Type "eudcedit" >Try making new fonts.


19/10/2010 20:50
In network programming, sockets popularly as "internet sockets" or"network sockets" Defintion: $ It is an end-point bidirectional inter-process communication folw for network dased protocol stack likt TCP across INTERNET $  It is also called Application Programming Interface to provide ...

latest phones

09/10/2010 20:04
https://pomegranatephone.com/novascotia.html different phone concepts https://speckyboy.com/2009/11/27/10-cool-and-advanced-mobile-phone-concepts/

Active server pages

03/10/2010 07:27
  ASP:   Introduced year: Dec 1996 Developed by: Microsoft Corporation “Asp is an open ,compile free application environment .in which we combine HTML,scripts,re-usable active servers to create a dynamic and powerful web based business solution” It supports server side scripting for IIS...

To speed up search in browsing

13/09/2010 22:05
DNS SERVERS   DNS servers to speed up our search results in internet: foolDns: to provide privacy in browsing openDns: provides content filtering cloudDns: to prevent from phishing, malicious attacks.. we change  the DNS Server in our computer, set the DNS server in TCP/IP...

To identify fake website

13/09/2010 22:04
Spoofstick Spoofstick ia a web browser extension to find the spoof(fake or fraudulent website).To displays the relevant information when u enter the fake website.. However , internet explorer, Mozilla browsers only support this spoof..also visit the www.spoofstick.com

quick searching tips

13/09/2010 22:00
Google operators for quick fetch of relevant information Define: To find the exact definition of a particular keyword e.g keyword computer Info: To get information regarding given website e.g info:www.google.com Link: To find back links pointing to our current webpage..sometimes it will not...

Visitors notice

02/09/2010 03:38
Let your visitors know about news and events on your website as often as possible. You need to keep your website up-to-date so that your visitors will get used to visiting your pages regularly. You can use RSS feeds to deliver new articles directly to your readers.
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